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Garlic Scapes

Garlic Scapes

Only available in season,  This usually starts mid June and lasts only for a few weeks.

  These plump rich and delicious garlic scapes are used by many for making Scape Pesto or for pickling like the Extreme Beans, but garlic flavoured.  Scapes can also be added raw to summer salads, tossed in oil and grilled on the barbecue, great with scrambled eggs or quiche.

Garlic scapes are the topset of hardneck garlic plants.  Scapes are removed from most varieties to send growth energy back down into the bulb of the plant.  This helps ensure a larger bulb is harvested.

Available in person at the Haliburton and Minden Farmers markets.

Also through Graze and Gather online food market.

Shipping from Garlicloves only available in 3 lbs

Regular price $10.00 Each
Regular price Sale price $10.00 Each
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Garlicloves answers you

Common questions from our customers

What are some good food pairings for this garlic?

scapes are not as strong flavoured as eating a clove of garlic, best used raw, or lightly grilled

What are some highlights of this garlic?

Scapes will store up to 2 weeks in a bag in the fridge. Best to process them when fresh.