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Equal Opportunity Garlic

Equal Opportunity Garlic

1 LB Bag

All of the garlic we grow, should have an equal opportunity to fulfill their culinary destiny.  Unfortunately, some bulbs have had a tough time during the growing, harvesting and curing stages.  These bulbs may be undersized or blemished with minor damage.  Many of our customers use this garlic for pickling, dehydrating or other bulk recipes.  Equal opportunity garlic is mixed variety of porcelain, rocambole, softneck and purple stripe varieties.   EOG                              




Regular price $12.00 Each
Regular price Sale price $12.00 Each
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Garlicloves answers you

Common questions from our customers

What are some good food pairings for this garlic?

There is a mix of variety so of our customers use this garlic for pickling, dehydrating or other bulk recipes.

What are some highlights of this garlic?

Perfect if you want great tasting garlic without the fuss of classification and presentation.