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Ajo Rojo

Ajo Rojo


We have grown this dark pink stringed variety for ten years.  It has had some struggles adapting to a colder climate and we continue to renew it every three years with bulbils.  Ajo Rojo is a mild garlic with a very pleasing sweet, garlicky aftertaste.  AR

Regular price $3.50 Each
Regular price Sale price $3.50 Each
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Garlicloves answers you

Common questions from our customers

What are some good food pairings for this garlic?

Ajo Rojo is an excellent raw garlic to consume. Use it to garnish breakfast eggs or a lunch salad. It also makes the best sandwich or burger topping.

What are some highlights of this garlic?

Ajo Rojo is a fragile garlic plant to grow in Ontario. Being a creole variety of garlic it prefers warmer climates.