Marchand Lamarre from Garlicoves Ontario Garlic Farmer holding two bunches of Ontario garlic. The most popular garlic grown in Ontario is Music Garlic a porcelain variety. Big garlic bulbs with tall garlic scapes


We are proud Ontario farmers growing our garlic in the Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton Highlands.

We specialize in growing more than 25 varieties of premium garlic. All of our garlic is planted and harvested by hand.  This quality control measure ensures only the best garlic is available to our customers.

garlic with strings - ontario garlic - Olympic Rings - Team canada - Garlicloves

Garlic strings

Unique to any other, our garlic bulbs are sold with tall stalks and colour coded strings. Learning about garlic varieties their distinct properties and flavours has never been easier.

Colour Code